Eng Slots: Jem’hadar Vanguard (Big Vanguard Pack) or Nausicaan (Diplomatic Commendation Rank 4 or Exchange for KDF) and Kentari (Fleet Colony -Tier 5 Morale, if you have 2 Eng slots).Tac Slots: Rare Male Tacticals with Superior Romulan Operative (Fleet Embassy – Recruitment Tier 2, required).Insted of Shield Hardness and Regeneration you can also use Improved Impulse Expertise and Defensive Subsystem Tuning. Unlocks: all CrtH, Battery Expertise, Max Hull, Threat Control and full Focused Frenzy. We hope it would help you to identify the best choice for yourself 🙂
This guide should show you the general way of building it for different ships and layouts and what is important. Today we would like to discuss beam ships and how to build them.